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Mats can vary greatly. Artists commonly use a mix of naturally dyed and undyed fibre to create a striking variation of coloured bands. Some artists also incorporate different types of looping to produce different patterns and textured finishes. Each type of mat, fibre bag, basket and dilly bag has its own name in the various languages spoken in the Maningrida region.

Name: Indra Prudence

Language: Burarra (Martay)

Community: Maningrida


Indra Prudence is from Ji-marda, a coastal homeland, approximately 2-3 hours east of Maningrida.  During the wet season she and her family have to travel by boat to reach Maningrida to get supplies.

Indra is a teacher at Ji-marda School and is also a renown weaver, specialising in making fish traps and fish fences. 


© the artist / art centre