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Muuki Taylor

“The old people, they sit down and paint and tell stories of the old days, and we listen and learn.”

– Corban Clause Williams

Transfer of cultural knowledge through visual arts is an important way for Martu artists to keep their culture strong. Younger Martu artists typically begin painting with their parents, grandparents and extended family, thus fostering an organic process of learning, not only about painting techniques, but also specific locations, family histories, traditional ways of life, bush tucker and Jukurrpa (Dreaming). Martu artists also often paint together where a story of mutual significance is conveyed, and in this way have produced many of the stunning, large scale collaborative works for which Martumili Artists are most well known.

Name: Owen John Biljabu

Language: Manyjilyjarra

Community: Punmu


I started painting and drawing when I was young. My mum and dad bought me water colour paints to practice with. In 2006 I started art classes at Jigalong TAFE. I learnt to paint on canvas and completed my first mural on the Jigalong TAFE building. I often paint stories learned from my grandparents, about country.  I like to do portraits that’s the thing I’m good at.  It’s the thing I like to do.  I like painting my self-portrait or painting friends and family if they give me permission.

© the artist / art centre