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Pukumani Pole

Pukumani Poles are part of Tiwi Island culture which honour those who have passed. These poles are placed on a grave during ceremony and left until they too are reclaimed by country. The poles reflect Tiwi culture, and this miniature version features a double point at the top. This represents two Tiwi Islands.

Name: Micheallina Woodroffe and John Tipiloura


Micheallina and John are a husband and wife team who combine their skills to make artefacts. Absorbing culture and traditional knowledge from their artist families and close relations, it's fair to say art is in their blood. They both went on to study a Cert I in Visual Arts at Bachelor Institute with their combined work in a Pukumani pole proudly displayed on campus.

When they complete artefacts together, John often carves using hand tools on Ironwood. From here Micheallina paints, decorates and puts forward the finishing touches.

Their work is a proud display of their heritage and culture including scale traditional canoes, pukumani poles and other decorative pieces.

© the artist / art centre