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Waru time at Kulyakartu

Kulyakartu is a large area in the far north of the Martu homelands, near the Percival Lakes region of Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert. Kulyakartu is mostly flat grass Country, and is known as a good hunting area. In particular, parnajarrpa (goanna), wild cats, and lunki (witchetty grub) are found in abundance here. In the wantajarra (wet season) the dry lakes in the region fill with water.

Name: Helena Butt

Community: Bidyadanga


“I was painting mostly around my dad. I seen my dad painting at Mangkaja (arts centre) at Fitzroy Crossing, and going out bush, and seeing places, and putting it down on canvas. Sometimes I paint before I see it. I didn’t think I could (paint) but I found that I had something in me. You got it in you, you hear that little voice, you have that, you have to find it for yourself. I did a small one (painting) the first time and then I kept going."
Helena Butt

Helena was born in Derby in the West Australian Kimberly, and currently resides in Bidyadanga. She frequently visits Parnngurr Community where her Grandmother’s side of the family resides. Helena started painting in her thirties – having believed she was not artistic earlier in life – but she has quickly found and refined her style. She uses heavy blending and big brushwork to capture her ancestral homelands Kulyakartu.
Kulyakartu is located in the far north of the Martu homelands near the Percival Lakes region of Western Australia’s Great Sandy Desert. Helena often captures this landscape across the seasons.

© the artist / art centre