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Filesnake Eggs

This painting depicts two file snakes, one protecting its clutch of eggs. Also visible are barramundi fingerlings. File snakes are a common water snake found in local billabongs. They are harmless and very tasty when cooked in coals.

Name: Jason Garmu

Language: Yolngu

Community: Wugularr (Beswick)


Jason is a self taught specialist in the art of making hunting implements including spear, bondock, boomerang, shield, and "jumbar-jumbar" or nula-nula/fighting stick.

Using a mix of traditional techniques and materials, through to modern "on hand at the time" components, all his hunting implements are functional. Some may be single use, but in the right hands are deadly. This crafting skill came from a desire to provide for self through hunting. As a young child he often needed a spear. He would use one, then go back to camp, and create a fresh one; Learn, rinse, repeat.

Bush tucker knowledge came from always being out on country & hunting. Cooking traditional ways went hand in hand with this.

Jason is a traditional Bungul dancer and occasionally plays didj for this ceremony.

© the artist / art centre