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Lunki (witchetty grub)

Lunki (witchetty grubs) are the large, pinkish white, wood eating larvae of several moth species. During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) era, lunki were a reliable food source, forming a staple of the Martu diet, and today they remain equally popular. Lunki are eaten either raw or cooked in hot ashes, with a raw nutty taste that becomes creamy when cooked. Though they are available through the year, lunki are particularly prevalent in late wantajarra (cool season). They are found in the trunks and roots of several tree species including acacia, tinjirla (coolabah), and yurungkura (red river gum). 

Martu forage for lunki by creating a small incision in the bark of a tree where the lunki is located, which is then used as the entry point for the insertion of a small hook, typically fashioned from a stick but sometimes using wire. Typically, lunki is collected incidentally during hunting trips or resting stops, and is a relatively relaxing, sociable activity. 

During the pujiman period, Martu would traverse very large distances annually in small family groups, moving seasonally from water source to water source, and hunting and gathering bush tucker as they went. Whilst desert life has moved away from mobile hunter-gatherer subsistence throughout the course of the twentieth century, bush tucker continues to be a significant component of the modern Martu diet. Hunting and gathering bush tucker remains equally valuable as an important cultural practice that is passed on intergenerationally. Though hunting and gathering implements have been modernised, methods of harvesting, tracking and the use of fire burning to drive animals from their retreats are still commonly practiced today.

Name: Wendy Nanji

Language: Manyjilyjarra, Warnman

Community: South Hedland


"I was born in Perth in 1993, before they moved me to Wiluna and Jigalong to be with my family. I lived in Jigalong as a young girl, grew up there with my family, and I was doing schooling there. I loved going to school. I had friends that were close with me. I moved to Punmu to know my mum’s side of the family, and stayed there with my aunties. Now I’m here in Port Hedland living my life, moving around. I love moving around and travelling. It’s good to go see different places and learn different languages that you hear when you go there.  You know when you’re on the main road, travelling and looking at the landscape, the sun setting? It’s nice, I like that feeling.

I started painting when I was in high school at Karalundi. I loved doing art when I was in high school.  My teachers loved my drawings. I like painting animals, plants, fruit that you can eat from the bush, bush foods. We learn about them with family when we go hunting.

I love to paint- I was born for it! To keep my old people proud, to look after and respect Country. Art is the loveliest thing to do- nature, colour!

And that's my story!"

Wendy Nanji, Newman, 2023

© the artist / art centre