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Wamurla / Wamula (Bush Tomatoes)

Wamula, or wamurla (bush tomato) is a spherical yellow bush fruit harvested from small, prickly shrubs. Wamurla are a favoured bush tucker amongst the Martu, popular for their sweet taste and for the relative ease with which they are foraged. The shrubs prolifically produce purple flowers before fruiting, and require fire burning followed by rains in the months preceding their growth. The fruit is high in vitamin C content, and has a taste likened to banana, passionfruit, and rockmelon. Wamurla can be eaten raw or dried, though only the thick outer rind is eaten; the black seeds and the thin inner part of the fruit are very bitter and inedible. Typically wamurla is collected in large quantities and then eaten or stored for later consumption.

During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) period, Martu would traverse very large distances annually in small family groups, moving seasonally from water source to water source, and hunting and gathering bush tucker as they went. Whilst desert life has moved away from mobile hunter-gatherer subsistence throughout the course of the twentieth century, bush tucker continues to be a significant component of the modern Martu diet. Hunting and gathering bush tucker remains equally valuable as an important cultural practice that is passed on intergenerationally. Though hunting and gathering implements have been modernised, methods of harvesting, tracking and the use of fire burning to drive animals from their retreats are still commonly practiced today.

Name: Jenny Butt


“Growing up in Bidgy (Bidyadanga Community) with old people that came from the desert. We lived in old camp, that’s the area which now they call Udilla street in Bidgy, with my dad and my aunties. They never speak English or couldn’t understand any English. But they taught me a lot of bush life and told me a lot of stories about themselves and also they took good care of me. We lived in a tin shed.

I started doing painting in Bidgy at tafe with Jacqui (a lady who ran course work and sells creative wears for the community). I started painting pattern about the colour of the ocean and the sand and the land, growing up near the beach.”

- Jenny Butt

Jenny grew up with family in Bidyadanga, a community located on the Kimberley coast in Western Australia, where the Great Sandy Desert meets the sea. The word Bidyadanga is derived from pijarta/ bidyada (emu watering hole).

Jenny went to school in Darwin at St Johns College, then returned to live in Bidyadanga. She enjoys traveling to see family, regularly travelling to Parnngurr Aboriginal community (Cotton Creek), located within the Martu homelands, and 370km east of Newman. Here she visits her grandmother's side of the family; brothers and sisters living in Parnngurr. 


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