Published by CompNet Systems on

Barramundi & Filesnake

Gapu is a series of limited edition fine prints created in a long standing a collaboration between Basil Hall Editions and Beswick artists. Gapu Series XI uses, for  the first time, the Collograph technique and features 23 prints by 14 senior and emerging artists from Beswick.  Gapu (Water) features life and cultural practice around the water ways of both Beswick and the ancestral homelands of the artists, from hairy yams to woven string bags, sitting ducks on the billabong to fish hiding in the lily roots, ceremonial dilly bags to the mythical Mimis that share country.

Editions are limited to 30 prints, printed on Hahnemuhle paper.

Name: Fabian Sandy

Language: Yolngu


Fabian was born in Yirrkala and now lives in Beswick. He and his brother were taught to paint by their mother. Fabian prefers to paint with a Jarlk grass reed brush and traditional bush colours in modern acrylics. He generally paints saltwater stories on canvas or bark, and also carves and makes didjeridus. As well as being a visual artist, Fabian is a master didjeridu player and traditional dancer.

© the artist / art centre