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Junpunjunya, Junpunkutja

“That’s my great, great grandparent’s Country. My grandfathers’ and grandmother’s Country. You go through 33 Well (Kunawarritji, Canning Stock Route Well 33).”

– Marianne Burton

This work depicts two specific sites that form part of Marianne’s ngurra (home Country, camp) through her great, great grandparents. The Western Desert term ‘ngurra’ is hugely versatile in application. Broadly denoting birthplace and belonging, ngurra can refer to a body of water, a camp site, a large area of Country, or even a modern house. People identify with their ngurra in terms of specific rights and responsibilities, and the possession of intimate knowledge of the physical and cultural properties of one’s Country. This knowledge is traditionally passed intergenerationally through family connections. Country for Martu is full of memory; not just the memory of their own movement through it, but also of their family. As summarised by Ngalangka Nola Taylor, “painting the ngurra, they do it to remember their connections.” 

Painting ngurra, and in so doing sharing the Jukurrpa (Dreaming) stories and physical characteristics of that place, has today become an important means of cultural maintenance. Physical maintenance of one’s ngurra, like cultural maintenance, ensures a site’s wellbeing, and is a responsibility of the people belonging to that area.

Name: Marianne Burton

Language: Manyjilyjarra

Community: Punmu


“I was born in Jigalong, long time [ago in] Jigalong. The old people all got picked up and brought into Jigalong. Them old people all wanted to go back to the desert. We moved to Camp 61 [Ngalkuninya] for a little while and then we all moved this way to Punmu. I was young, thirteen or something when I came to Punmu.   

I like to paint around Punmu rockholes, springs.  In the morning, sunset colours, that’s what I’m thinking about. In the plane looking down, I want to do a painting what I’m looking at, it looks nice. I want to do more painting like that. I like painting, it makes me feel good.

I’ve been in Jigalong with my father, learning to paint. I was watching him paint. I stayed with them all day, sometimes I help[ed] him and he told stories. Doing the dot paint, that’s when I learn[ed] on a little canvas.”

- Marianne Burton


Marianne was born in Jigalong, moving briefly to Camp 61, an outstation on Bilanooka Station as a child, before settling in Punmu Community, where she still resides. Her father was senior Martu artist Pukina Burton. Marianne and her father used to sit down together, painting while Pukina told stories about his Country. One day Marianne would like to teach her children and grandchildren the same stories; “Me and [my granddaughter] Azaniah like painting together, sometimes she helps me too.  Sometimes my grandson Jake too, he did a couple.  I like having my family around to paint.” 

© the artist / art centre