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Birnoo Country

I painted this painting in the style of my father, Mr Gordon Barney. It is slightly different but the story remains the same. This is his country – Birnoo Country (Alice Downs Station).

Birnoo is Gordon’s mother’s country. Gordon mustered cattle all throughout this country for many years – the way his father taught him to, my grandfather.

My father became known as a skilled horsebreaker and buckjumper (rodeo rider). When he worked as a stockman, he would often carry with him a saddle bag for his ochre collection. At the end of his mustering stint, he would have a bagful of ochres that he sourced from riding through his country.

He often paints the hills of Birnoo and now so do I. 

Categories: WARMUN ART

Name: Eddie Daylight

Language: Gija

Community: Warmun


Born in Wyndham town. Grown up in Warmun in Chinaman Garden. 

My Fathers' name is Gordon Barney. (a prominent Warman artist and Law man) and my Mums' name is Jean Daylight.

My Step Mum is Shirley Purdie.(a prominent Warmun artist)

Mainly I grew up with my Fathers' Mum and my Fathers' Step Dad. When I was a kid I went to school in Warmun. When I left school I started working in a station, called Violet Vally, doing station hand work with my Father. It was hard work for me when I was a young fella.

I was inspired to paint from a white fella that came to Warmun School. He showed us how to paint while sitting under a big white gum tree.

When I look at things it makes me think to do a picture of it .

Sometimes when I dream it makes me think of things to paint.

© the artist / art centre