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Manbirrbbirr (small bush flowers)

In Kuninjku the name manbirrbbirr is used for a number of densely flowering shrubs and small trees including Verticordia cunninghamii, yellow flowering Austromyrtus species and also Acacia platycarpa which also has dense white. 

A new design by Margot. She has been back in the studio in Maningrida during the wet season. 

Name: Margot Gurawiliwili

Language: Kuninjku

Community: Maningrida


Margot Gurawiliwili is a senior weaver at Maningrida Arts and Culture, as well as an artist at Bábbarra Designs.

Margot is renowned for her bold designs, the consistency of her weave and her sophisticated sense of form. She is confident sourcing a diverse range of pigments from natural plant materials, such as leaves, roots and berries.

Margot is skilled in a number of weaving techniques, including coiling and twinning, and makes a range of functional and ceremonial objects, including baskets, dilly bags, string bags and mats.

Margot's ancestral stories include Ngalng (sacred yabby), Kalawan (goanna) and Wayuk (waterlily) and she often depicts these stories in her Lino print designs. 


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