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Sevania Kemarre Bonney – Great Grandmothers Country

My great Grandmothers Country is where we go hunting. We hunt goanna and bush turkey. We swim in the river. We look for bush banana, bush potato and wild oranges. I am inspired by the beautiful wild flowers that grow there. Being on my Great grandmothers country makes me happy and content.

Name: Sevania Kemarre Bonney

Language: Alyawarr

Community: Ampilatwatja


Sevenia was born in Soakage Bore, Utopia and started to paint when she was teenager. She learnt the way to paint landscape and bush medicine from her grandmother Eileen Bonney, a former health worker and artist. Sevenia finds painting soothing and enjoys to share this activity with her kids so they can learn as she did with her grandmother.
“I like to go hunting, watching landscape, pretty flowers after the rain” “I like also to do landscape in Canteen Creek, my grandmother country.”  

© the artist / art centre