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The Barramundi is fished for at the mouth of  Gurr  ( Harding River)  

Categories: Yinjaa-Barni Art

Name: Danii Rae Wilson

Language: Yindjibarndi, Ngaymil


Danii-Rae was born in Hedland and grew up in Roebourne with her mum and dad. Her parents would take her out bush, fishing, camping out, hunting, learning stories about the Country and how to speak her language.

When she finished year 12, she went straight to TAFE. She joined the Yinjaa-Barni Art Centre to do work experience from her education support class in 2015 and has been painting here as an artist ever since.

Danii-Rae likes painting flowers, sea-life, such as fish and turtles, and parrots. She loves to paint and keep her mind calm and relaxed. She chooses bright colours and has developed a unique and quirky contemporary style of her own.

Danii-Rae has two daughters. She enjoys taking them out to dinner and out to Woolshed (Cheeditha) to see all the families.

© the artist / art centre