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Ngayuku Ngura – My Country

Artists use this title when they are depicting their Country. It might be a representation of a particular place or of different aspects of that area. The artist uses a combination of colour and design to indicate variations in the landscape. Inspiration is drawn from all elements of Country and might include bush tucker, water holes, meeting places, rock formation, birds or animals.

Categories: Ernabella Arts Inc.

Name: Venetta Lionel

Language: Pitjantjatjara

Community: Pukatja


Vennita is the fourth generation of Lionel women to work as artists at Ernabella Arts. Her great-grandmother is the very senior artists Pantjiti Lionel, her grandmother the 2015 NATSIAA finalist Yurpiya Lionel and her mother the 2016 NATSIAA finalist Rachael Mipantjiti Lionel. Venita often paints collaboratively with her mother Rachael.

Vennita started painting at the art centre in 2014 and then participated in ceramics works in 2015 and 2016.

In 2016 Vennita participated in her first exhibition Point of difference - Desert to the Sea at Artitja Gallery in Freemantle, WA.

In 2019 Vennita exhibited in An Idea Needing to be Made: Contemporary Ceramics at Heide Museum of Modern Art, Wanapari - in a line, following one another at the Jam Factory and Ernabella Arts: Small Ceramics at Aboriginal Contemporary.

© the artist / art centre