Jin-merduwa (Mermaid) from Gupanga My niece Stephanie is singing a song called Diyama and it is about Jin-merduwa. She is in the Ripple Effect Band. They are now famous in Maningrida and everywhere. Her great grandmother told her about the Jin-merduwa living at Gupanga.  I heard the story before Stephanie.  Now Read more…


Ngalkunburriyaymi, Modjarrkki & Namurre Boko Kuninjku people call mermaids yawkyawk but in my language, Kune we call them Ngalkunburriyaymi (pronuced Ngaal gun borro yay mee). The Ngalkunburriyaymi depicted in my artworks is from a place called Marra-yii (sp?).  There are too many Ngalkunburriyaymi living at this place.  They are always Read more…


Ngalkunburriyaymi & Wayuk Kuninjku people call mermaids yawkyawk but in my language, Kune we call them Ngalkunburriyaymi (pronuced Ngaal gun borro yay mee). The Ngalkunburriyaymi depicted in my artworks is from a place called Marra-yii (sp?).  There are too many Ngalkunburriyaymi living at this place.  They are always there and Read more…

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