My Grandmothers Country-Elizabeth Ngwarra Bonney I still hunt my Grand Mothers country for goanna, bush medicine and yams. I hunt all year round, hunting and walking through the country makes me happy.  When I look at the distant hills I can feel my grandmother.  Bush flowers are everywhere. Painting my Read more…


Bush Tucker – Maisie Petyarre Bundey;- Maisie paints the bush tucker found in her country, the area that surrounds Boundary Bore in the Utopia homelands. She paints bush plums, bush bananas, bush potatoes and bush medicine plants. The main motif which recurs often in Maisie artworks is a full coolamon. When Read more…


Bush Flowers The artists of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories. The artists paint their country where those stories sit. These bush flowers grow seasonly in Alyawarr country, some of which are also used in bush medicine remedies. “When I go out hunting, I like Read more…


My Grandfather’s Country – Patsy Ross “This is my Grandfather’s country. I paint the spinnifex, wild tobacco, the witchetty grub tree, mulga and ant hills. Sometimes I paint the dry river bed but I always paint the afternoon sky and rolling hills. I paint in this style, I like colour, Read more…


My Country – Robina Pitjara Jones This is my country out in Utopia an outstation called Soapy Bore it’s  my Father’s country, there’s  big soakage, hills, bush medicine and bush tucker. All my family paint, my grandmother, my mother and aunties. I like to paint, I think about my country, the Read more…


My Grandfather’s Country – Patsy Ross “This is my Grandfather’s country. I paint the spinnifex, wild tobacco, the witchetty grub tree, mulga and ant hills. Sometimes I paint the dry river bed but I always paint the afternoon sky and rolling hills. I paint in this style, I like colour, Read more…


View Of Country The community of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories, the artists paint their country where those stories sit. This painting shows the layered landscape of Alyawarr, Central Australia. Knowing your country is an important part of living in a remote community like Read more…


View Of Country The community of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories, the artists paint their country where those stories sit. This painting shows the layered landscape of Alyawarr, Central Australia. Knowing your country is an important part of living in a remote community like Read more…


Bush Flowers The artists of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories. The artists paint their country where those stories sit. These bush flowers grow seasonly in Alyawarr country, some of which are also used in bush medicine remedies. “When I go out hunting, I like Read more…


My Country – Jessie Ngwarraye Ross The community of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories. The artists paint their country where those stories belong. Jessie’s landscapes beautifully communicate the rich knowledge she possesses of medicinal plants and country, the heart of her culture. Jessie’s has Read more…

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