Bush Flowers The artists of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories. The artists paint their country where those stories sit. These bush flowers grow seasonly in Alyawarr country, some of which are also used in bush medicine remedies. “When I go out hunting, I like Read more…


My Country is Irrultja – Kindy Kemarre Ross The community of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories. The artists paint their country where those stories belong.  “My country is called Irrultja, it’s past the hill and the dried-up creek from here, it’s a nice place, Read more…


My Fathers Country – Kathleen Nanima Rambler The community of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories. The artists paint their country where those stories sit. I paint the country of my Father and Mother and where they grew up, near Barrow Creek. “This is the Read more…


My Country and Bush Medicine Plants – Julieanne Ngwarraye Morton “My Mother, Lilly Kemarre, taught me to paint. She likes to paint her Mother’s and Father’s country from the old days, when they used to live off of the land.” Julieanne’s painting’s are inspired by her Mother’s stories of the Read more…


My Country and Bush Medicine Plants – Julieanne Ngwarraye Morton “My Mother, Lilly Kemarre, taught me to paint. She likes to paint her Mother’s and Father’s country from the old days, when they used to live off of the land.” Julieanne’s painting’s are inspired by her Mother’s stories of the Read more…


Great Grandmothers Country – Gunderson Kemarre Lewis I paint my Great Grandmothers country around Canteen Creek.  Long time ago she hunted around this soakage in this country.   When I paint, I paint that country, the soakage the bushflowers the sandhills and the distant mountains.  I hunt this country now.


My Mother’s Country – Beverly Pula Luck The community of Ampilatwatja made a conscious decision not to paint ‘altyerr’ dreaming stories. The artists paint their country where those stories sit. Beverly has painted her Mother’s country. When Beverly was a child her mother took her all around her country and showed her Read more…


Great Grandmothers Country – Gunderson Kemarre Lewis I paint my Great Grandmothers country around Canteen Creek.  Long time ago she hunted around this soakage in this country.   When I paint, I paint that country, the soakage the bushflowers the sandhills and the distant mountains.  I hunt this country now.

© the artist / art centre