Mabbúlarr Mabbúlarr is the Ndjébbana word describing calm and stillness – both regarding people and the ocean. This design tells the story of underwater life in the shallows. The turtle we call marláddja (green turtle, Chelonia mydas) and the stingray we call marnandjúbba (Cowtail Stingray, Pastinachus sephen). ‘When strong wind Read more…


Mandjabu Kuninjku people traditionally make two sorts of conical fish traps. One is called mandjabu and is made from a strong, durable vine called milil, and a smaller one is called manylik mandjabu, and made from the grass manylik. The mandjabuconical fish trap is bigger and stronger and used in tidal reaches Read more…


Kukurlk Kare (minor missprints) Karrinung kukurlk kare, karrijare manme (we are going underground looking for food). “This is my country. In this painting, I’m looking at her little bit different way. This is what we see when we’re kukurlk kare (going underground) Man-kurndalh (Black plum) I call mother. It is Read more…


Kunronj (Freshwater Story) Jennifer is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. Jennifer works at Bábbarra Women’s Centre alongside other members of her family who are also accomplished artists too: her mother, Helen Lanyinwanga (now deceased), sister Deborah Read more…


Lorrkon Before, a long time ago, when old people would die they would put their bones inside the lorrkkon and leave it outside. It is part of ceremony. The old people remembering and thinking about that person who passed away, there is lots of talking about where that lorrkkon needs Read more…


Kunronj (Freshwater Story) Jennifer is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. Jennifer works at Bábbarra Women’s Centre alongside other members of her family who are also accomplished artists too: her mother, Helen Lanyinwanga (now deceased), sister Deborah Read more…


Karrbarda (Long Yam) “This design is about collecting karrbarda (yams). The old people use these kungarrndutj (digging sticks) to dig the yams from under the ground. They carry the kunmatj (dilly bags) on their heads for collecting bush food. These yams are purple on the saltwater side of country and Read more…


Kundayarr and Lorrkon This is a collaborative work between Deborah Wurrkidj who dyed the fabric, Jennifer Wurrkidj who designed the tiles  and daughter of Jenifer Wurrkidj, Abigail Namundja who is responsible for printing the fabric.  Works in fibre from the Maningrida region are widely recognised as some of the finest Read more…


Kundayarr and Lorrkon This is a collaborative work between Deborah Wurrkidj who dyed the fabric, Jennifer Wurrkidj who designed the tiles  and daughter of Jenifer Wurrkidj, Abigail Namundja who is responsible for printing the fabric.  Works in fibre from the Maningrida region are widely recognised as some of the finest Read more…


Kundayarr and Lorrkon on bush dye This is a collaborative work between Deborah Wurrkidj who dyed the fabric, Jennifer Wurrkidj who designed the tiles  and daughter of Jenifer Wurrkidj, Abigail Namundja who is responsible for printing the fabric.  Works in fibre from the Maningrida region are widely recognised as some Read more…

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