Ngaldadmurrng (Saratoga) This design tells the story of Saratoga dreaming,  a freshwater fish that swims on the edge of creeks and rivers. This design is the Saratoga dreaming from the Mularra songline. Where the Saratoga we call Murdulngu, Danguny travelled from Malmyangarnak billabong to Mirrigatja. This Billabong was owned by Read more…


Man-mobban (Billygoat Plum) Susan has depicted the leaves of the man-mobban (billygoat plum tree,  Terminalia carpentariae). Its small green plums can be found in abundance on Susan’s homeland, Mumeka. Red cotton, black and grey ink.


Manyawok (Cheeky Yam) This design depicts the cheeky yam, which is found on the artist’s country, near the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. Yams are an important bush food that are collected during the wet season. Unlike other yams that can be eaten roasted, the cheeky yam can Read more…


Kunronj (Freshwater Story) Jennifer is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. Jennifer works at Bábbarra Women’s Centre alongside other members of her family who are also accomplished artists too: her mother, Helen Lanyinwanga (now deceased), sister Deborah Read more…


Manyawok (Cheeky Yam) This design depicts the cheeky yam, which is found on the artist’s country, near the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. Yams are an important bush food that are collected during the wet season. Unlike other yams that can be eaten roasted, the cheeky yam can Read more…


Kunronj (Freshwater Story) Jennifer is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. Jennifer works at Bábbarra Women’s Centre alongside other members of her family who are also accomplished artists too: her mother, Helen Lanyinwanga (now deceased), sister Deborah Read more…


Man-ngarre (Native Grasses) Elizabeth had a distinctive artistic style, depicting the natural world with loose, organic strokes. Her style was evident in her key designs Kun-ngol (clouds), showing the cloud formations over her floodplain country after the wet season, and the fine detail of Kun-kirh (mud ripples) depicting cracked mud Read more…


Man-djarduk (Red Bush Apples) Deborah Wurrkidj is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. In this design she has depicted man-djarduk (red bush apples) – a sweet, crisp bush food that is a favourite to collect. Man-djarduk fruits in kurrung Read more…


Kunngol This design depicts certain Kun-ngol (clouds) that signal to people of central Arnhem Land that the end of the wet season is approaching. After months of daily monsoonal rain in Arnhem Land, these clouds are light and fluffy, not like the dark, heavy clouds of the monsoonal sky. At Read more…


Wayuk – (Waterlily) ‘I always follow the footpath of my grandmother. I have too many stories of my grandmother. We went to the bush and ate bushtucker like yam, yabbie, barra, catfish and magpie goose. We didn’t come into town often, we were staying at Barrihdjowkkeng outstation. I learned how Read more…

© the artist / art centre