Manbirrbbirr dja Kunwardde Manbirrbbirr dja Kunwardde  In Kuninjku the name manbirrbbirr is used for a number of densely flowering shrubs and small trees including Verticordia cunninghamii, yellow flowering Austromyrtus species and also Acacia platycarpa which also has dense white. Kunwardde means stone, rock or money in Kuninjku. This design combines imagery of the country around Mumeka with Read more…


Manbirrbbirr (small bush flowers) In Kuninjku the name manbirrbbirr is used for a number of densely flowering shrubs and small trees including Verticordia cunninghamii, yellow flowering Austromyrtus species and also Acacia platycarpa which also has dense white.   


Mandjabu and Kunwardde Kuninjku people traditionally make two sorts of conical fish traps. One is called mandjabu and is made from a strong, durable vine called milil, and a smaller one is called manylik mandjabu, and made from the grass manylik. The mandjabuconical fish trap is bigger and stronger and used in Read more…


Mimih Dancing This is an artwork about a dancing Mimih. It’s based on a song line from Korlobididah. My fathers eldest brother used to sing this song line and Unkle Dennis he was a dancer. My real father, Jacky was a dancer as well and he was from Korlobididah.  


Njá-barawarra Na-míbba (Hammerhead shark) Ndjébbana: Njá-barawarra na-míbba   hammerhead shark. Sphyrna spp. Gender: djíya; Moiety: Djówanga; Generic (big name): djábbarnbókka ‘sharks’.  


Jin-merduwa (Mermaid) Elizabeth Wullunmingu – Jin-merduwa (Mermaid) from Gupanga My niece, Stephanie James is singing a song called Diyama and it is about Jin-merduwa. She is in the Ripple Effect Band. They are now famous in Maningrida and everywhere. Her great grandmother told her about the Jin-merduwa living at Gupanga/ Kupanga Read more…


Stingray This is Debbie Pascoe’s first ever screen print design. Printed as a two colour design. Debbie is from the Djinang language group in Maningrida, which according to the ABS Census has approximately 220 speakers.


Man-ngarre (Native Grasses) Elizabeth had a distinctive artistic style, depicting the natural world with loose, organic strokes. Her style was evident in her key designs Kun-ngol (clouds), showing the cloud formations over her floodplain country after the wet season, and the fine detail of Kun-kirh (mud ripples) depicting cracked mud Read more…


Man-ngarre (Native Grasses) Elizabeth had a distinctive artistic style, depicting the natural world with loose, organic strokes. Her style was evident in her key designs Kun-ngol (clouds), showing the cloud formations over her floodplain country after the wet season, and the fine detail of Kun-kirh (mud ripples) depicting cracked mud Read more…

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