Mandjabu (Fish Trap) – Susan Marawarr “In old times people would make these mandjabu (fish traps) to go fishing. They are made with vine we find in the jungle. That old man, Anchor Gulunba, he showed me how to make these fish traps. I would sit there and watch him Read more…


Romolo One of Lucy’s latest linocut designs, Romolo, green frog. Lucy is an experienced textile artist at Bábbarra Women’s Centre. Lucy often references her ancestral stories in her textile work, including Bawaliba (Djinkarr spirit woman), with various lino and screen prints depicting this same narrative. Lucy is from the Gurr.goni language Read more…


Kunwardde dja Karrbarda (Rocks and Yam Vine) Susan Marawarr is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. In this design, she has depicted karrbarda (long yam) on her traditional country, the kunwardde (stone country). The large stones represent the Read more…


Wubbunj (Paperbark Canoe) “Wubbunj is our traditional canoe. This design is the old history story of how people came to live in this place we call Maningrida. Two old people were staying on the other side of the saltwater, in Narlarrambarr area. The old people slept in a paper bark Read more…


Manwak (Mumeka blooms) Manwak grows near Mumeka creek, on the artist’s homeland. This beautiful large flower blooms during the mandjelk (wet season). It has deep green petals with a central red kernel which swells to the size of a berry. It is known for its long, sweeping petals which seem Read more…


Manbirrbbirr dja Kunwardde Manbirrbbirr dja Kunwardde  In Kuninjku the name manbirrbbirr is used for a number of densely flowering shrubs and small trees including Verticordia cunninghamii, yellow flowering Austromyrtus species and also Acacia platycarpa which also has dense white. Kunwardde means stone, rock or money in Kuninjku. This design combines imagery of the country around Mumeka with Read more…


Palm tree on my country This fabric was created using the linocut printing technique. The lino tile has been carved by the artist in Maningrida, and has been printed by hand using a variety of colours and layers. The linocut technique ensures each textile piece is a one-off, limited edition Read more…


Birlmu dja Komrdaw Jennifer Wurrkidj is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land.This image depicts important man-me (food) from freshwater environments on Jennifer’s country. Wayuk (waterlilly) roots are called burdbarrk and are eaten fresh from the water or Read more…

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