Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation
Kadanji (Black Cockatoo) Kadanji (Black Cockatoo) is my mother’s mother’s totem from the Kuku Nyungkul clan. This totem is passed down generation after generation to your newborns.
Kadanji (Black Cockatoo) Kadanji (Black Cockatoo) is my mother’s mother’s totem from the Kuku Nyungkul clan. This totem is passed down generation after generation to your newborns.
Ngangkin (Echidna) Long time ago our ancestors used to hunt echidnas for their meat and fat. The fat was used as bush medicine. They rubbed it onto sore muscles to relieve pain. The echidna also appears as part of a rock formation on one of the high mountains of Manjal Dimbi Read more…
Kadanji (Palm Cockatoo) Kadanji is the big name for Black Cockatoo and Palm Cockatoo. The Palm Cockatoo is my Totem. It forms part of the Kuku Yalanji cland lands. I inherited it from my great grandfather’s side.
Bindi Bambayal (Yam Leaf) This fabric shows my yam leaf design. Yams are bush tucker to all our families. We go out and dig for it when they are in season. When the leaves turn dark brown, we know that the tubers are ready for harvest. I personally like cooking yams on the Read more…
Kurranji (Cassowary) The cassowary is my totem. My mother’s sister handed it down to me when I was a young boy. I perform the cassowary dance in public ceremonies. As a young men, I was part of the Yalanji Dance group and was invited to Hong Kong to perform our traditional Read more…
Walkarr (Bush Goanna) Walkar (Bush Goanna) is found in eastern and western Yalanji land both in rainforest country and inland plains. Walkarr was an important food source to our Kuku Yalanji ancestors. Goannas are great tree climbers and sometimes hard to catch.Walkarr was hunted with spears and brought back to Read more…
Walkarr (Bush Goanna) Walkar (Bush Goanna) is found in eastern and western Yalanji land both in rainforest country and inland plains. Walkarr was an important food source to our Kuku Yalanji ancestors. Goannas are great tree climbers and sometimes hard to catch.Walkarr was hunted with spears and brought back to Read more…
Mossman River Design The spirals represents the ripples and water pools of Mossman River.
Diwan (Scrub Turkey) Many years ago, our ancestors lived in harmony with the rainforest and other parts of the land, they learnt different ways of hunting and gathering for food. The women would collect Diwan (Scrub Turkey) eggs. Each Diwan can lay up to 15-20 eggs. The women gather the Read more…