Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation
Kakan (Black Palm) Dillybag. Our ancestors used Kakan (Black Palm) dilly bags to carry food when out hunting and gathering or soak bitter yams in creeks before cooking them. They were also used to hold personal items. When I was a young girl my grandmother would teach me how to Read more…
Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation
Ngawiya (Sea Turtle) In the past, sea turtles were an important food source for Kuku Yalanji people. Only men were allowed to hunt them. The men were also responsible for cooking them in a ground oven and distributing the meat to all the families. We ate turtle meat on special occasions such as the Read more…
Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation
Kiju (Mud Crab) Mud crabs are one of our favourite foods. We collect the crabs in the mangroves and share them with our families.
Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation
Ngawiya (Sea Turtle) In the past, sea turtles were an important food source for Kuku Yalanji people. Only men were allowed to hunt them. The men were also responsible for cooking them in a ground oven and distributing the meat to all the families. We ate turtle meat on special occasions such as the Read more…
Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation
Jalbil (Boyd’s Rainforest Dragon) The Rainforest Dragon is a small and gentle lizard that feeds on insects. It is very hard to see in the rainforest because it takes on the colour and patterns of the environment. The male dragons are very colourful. We use the image of the Rainforest Read more…
Bamanga Bubu Ngadimunku Aboriginal Corporation
Kadanji (Black Cockatoo) The black cockatoo is my totem. It has been passed down to me from my grandmother and her sisters, to my mum and her sisters and then it came to me and my sisters. I use the black cockatoo often in my art not only because it Read more…