Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Namurre Boko ‘Bini-murreko means two brothers – big brother and little brother. Two brothers were really strong leaders and good hunters, sharing animals with different tribes.With those different tribe there were jealousy going on.Little brother went walkabout and heard the different tribe was talking about his tribe.They said ngarribin manre Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Namurre Boko ‘Bini-murreko means two brothers – big brother and little brother. Two brothers were really strong leaders and good hunters, sharing animals with different tribes.With those different tribe there were jealousy going on.Little brother went walkabout and heard the different tribe was talking about his tribe.They said ngarribin manre Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Kunmadj Kunmadj is the Kuninjku term for large woven collecting baskets, known as dillybags. They are often made from the burney vine (Malaisia scandens), a strong, pliable plant that grows along the ground and into the canopy of monsoon vine thickets. The baskets are used to collect a variety of heavy foods, such as fish Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Collecting Manme (Bush Food) ‘All that jungle around Mumeka, on the other side of the river.. that’s where we go looking for manme (bush food) like manyawok (cheeky yam) and karrbarda (long yam). The yawk yawk (young woman spirit) is holding a kunkaninj (digging stick), kun-madj (dilly bag) and all Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Wubbunj (Paperbark Canoe) “Wubbunj is our traditional canoe. This design is the old history story of how people came to live in this place we call Maningrida. Two old people were staying on the other side of the saltwater, in Narlarrambarr area. The old people slept in a paper bark Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Namurre Boko and Mimih This cloth features the intricate and illustrative lino designs by Jay Jurrupula Rostron, a Kune artist from the Korlobididah homeland. The more complex rectangle design tells the story of Namurre Boko and the square tile depicts a Mimih spirit and kangaroo. ‘Bini-murreko means two brothers – Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Mimih and Kangaroo This Lino design shoes a Mimih spirit hunting a kangaroo. Jay is a Kune language speaker from Korlobididah, an inland outstation in West Arnhem Land. Jay often depicts diverse fresh water species and pristine wetlands in her detailed Lino carvings. Pale pink on navy blue cotton.
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Na-méwaya (triangle fish net) *Ndjébbana A small fishing net or butterfly net of a traditional triangular design. This is a new screen print design from 2022. A detailed story is pending.