Rrugurrgurda (Mud Crab) This design tells the story of Elizabeth’s homeland – a dreaming place, a good dreaming place with plentiful mud crabs. Elizabeth’s homeland lies east of Maningrida, at the mouth of Blyth river. This country is known for a large spiritual mud crab, which lives in the area. Read more…


Bawáliba and Bush Flower This new design from workshops held in 2022 depicts Bawáliba and dilly bags against a background of stylised  bush flowers. Lucy has dressed her Bawaliba with skin textures using a spot technique fro the back of her paint brush. 


Bawáliba and Bush Flower This new design from workshops held in 2022 depicts Bawáliba and dilly bags against a background of stylised  bush flowers. Lucy has dressed her Bawaliba with skin textures using a spot technique fro the back of her paint brush. 


Bawáliba and Bush Flower This new design from workshops held in 2022 depicts Bawáliba and dilly bags against a background of stylised  bush flowers. Lucy has dressed her Bawaliba with skin textures using a spot technique fro the back of her paint brush. 


Bawáliba and Bush Flower This new design from workshops held in 2022 depicts Bawáliba and dilly bags against a background of stylised  bush flowers. Lucy has dressed her Bawaliba with skin textures using a spot technique fro the back of her paint brush. 


Bawáliba and Bush Flower This new design from workshops held in 2022 depicts Bawáliba and dilly bags against a background of stylised  bush flowers. Lucy has dressed her Bawaliba with skin textures using a spot technique fro the back of her paint brush. 


Bawáliba and Bush Flower This new design from workshops held in 2022 depicts Bawáliba and dilly bags against a background of stylised  bush flowers. Lucy has dressed her Bawaliba with skin textures using a spot technique fro the back of her paint brush. 

© the artist / art centre