Kakárra (bush flowers)   This design features lost of flowers and bush food from around the coastal areas of Entrance Island and Maningrida. ‘There are the leaves of the black plum – we call that karranganjónganja vita glabrata. There are also jungle flowers that we find when we are looking for Read more…


Kunmadj- Archive Kunmadj is the Kuninjku term for large woven collecting baskets, known as dillybags. They are often made from the burney vine (Malaisia scandens), a strong, pliable plant that grows along the ground and into the canopy of monsoon vine thickets. The baskets are used to collect a variety of heavy foods, such as Read more…


Namurre Boko ‘Bini-murreko means two brothers – big brother and little brother. Two brothers were really strong leaders and good hunters, sharing animals with different tribes.With those different tribe there were jealousy going on.Little brother went walkabout and heard the different tribe was talking about his tribe.They said ngarribin manre Read more…


Modjarrkki (Freshwater Crocodile Story) – Archive Modjarrkki (Freshwater Crocodile)  Kune language ‘This is a true story. My great great grandfather and my father told this story and I tell it to my children. It’s about a freshwater crocodile called Modjarrkki. One day an unmarried man who was camping with his brother Read more…


Ngarndúma (palm tree) ngarndúma   1) a kind of tall palm tree with one straight trunk; Kentia palm. Gronophyllum ramsayi; Carpentaria acuminata. Gender: djíya; Moiety: Yírriddjanga. N A. Karlakkalóddjarra márdba ka-rénjdjeya. The new shoot is sweet. The growing tip of young palms eaten raw; large palms are not eaten. The Read more…


Marebu and Bush Dye – Archive Deborah Wurrkidj is a Kuninjku artist from the Kurulk clan whose country lies around the outstation of Mumeka in central Arnhem Land. She is an accomplished artist working across mediums including painting, sculpture, weaving and textile design.  Deborah currently lives on Kakodbebuldi Outstaion where she is Read more…


Mandjabu and Kunmadj – Archive From our archive, circa 2009. This work was included in the exhibition ‘Momentum’ at Tamworth Regional Art Gallery.  ‘Curated by Valerie Kirk, Head of Textiles at the Australian National University. The theme for the Biennial was the gathering of momentum and ideas in response to Read more…


Ngaldadmurrng (Saratoga) This design tells the story of Saratoga dreaming,  a freshwater fish that swims on the edge of creeks and rivers. This design is the Saratoga dreaming from the Mularra songline. Where the Saratoga we call Murdulngu, Danguny travelled from Malmyangarnak billabong to Mirrigatja. This Billabong was owned by Read more…


Kunmadj Kunmadj is the Kuninjku term for large woven collecting baskets, known as dillybags. They are often made from the burney vine (Malaisia scandens), a strong, pliable plant that grows along the ground and into the canopy of monsoon vine thickets. The baskets are used to collect a variety of heavy foods, such as fish Read more…

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