Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Djenj dja Komrdawh “My country is called Mankorlod. It is near the rock country. My dreaming is komrdawh (long neck turtle), the one I painted in my design. I like to eat komrdaw, it tastes really nice. We catch them in dry and wet season near Mankorlod. This is my Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Murnun (dugong) and Yokkara (fish) Murnun (dugong) and Yokkara (fish) This new 2022 design by Josephine is part two of her Mabbúlarr collection. Mabbúlarr is the Ndjébbana word describing calm and stillness – both regarding people and the ocean. Printed by hand at Injalak Art Centre 2022 using cotton poplin (sarong Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Mududu A new design by Lucy celebrating her love of eating mudcrab. Mududu is mudcrab in the Gurgoni language. ‘I feel good waking up in the morning, knowing I am going to Bábbarra. After work I go home and talk about my printing with all my family, and then I Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Mandjabu Kuninjku people traditionally make two sorts of conical fish traps. One is called mandjabu and is made from a strong, durable vine called milil, and a smaller one is called manylik mandjabu, and made from the grass manylik. The mandjabuconical fish trap is bigger and stronger and used in tidal reaches Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Mankotbe (Bush Onion) Mankotbe (bush onion) grows under the ground, we follow the vine to dig it up. It is brown on the outside and white inside and we cook it on the fire, just like a potato. All the old people used to eat Mankotbe on my homeland. My Read more…
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Meeting place An archived design by Janet Marawarr – story TBC
Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation
Ngalng and Kunred Ngalng (fresh water yabby) ‘This is a story from Mankorlod. This is a djang story. This is the creation story about the fresh water yabby. Starting with the stone, that’s the raw one and the cooked one. The stone rock suddenly turned to ngalng, in a flash. Read more…