Djomi (Fresh Water Spirit) This design depicts the story of the artist’s ancestral dreaming, the Djomi fresh water spirit mermaid. The Djomi figure is a mermaid like spirit with fish tail that lives in the fresh water stream that flows out to the sea cliff near Maningrida. Djomi is a Read more…


Ka-milemarnbun (Weaving story) The Kuninjku term ka-milemarnbun refers to the weaving and production of goods from pandanus leaves and natural fibres. This design specifically depicts the fish trap, basket and pandanus mat. These three objects and ancestral spirits are significant to the artist as together they relate to her djang (dreaming). Read more…


Ka-milemarnbun (Weaving story) The Kuninjku term ka-milemarnbun refers to the weaving and production of goods from pandanus leaves and natural fibres. This design specifically depicts the fish trap, basket and pandanus mat. These three objects and ancestral spirits are significant to the artist as together they relate to her djang (dreaming). Read more…


Ka-milemarnbun (Weaving story) The Kuninjku term ka-milemarnbun refers to the weaving and production of goods from pandanus leaves and natural fibres. This design specifically depicts the fish trap, basket and pandanus mat. These three objects and ancestral spirits are significant to the artist as together they relate to her djang (dreaming). Read more…


Karrbarda (Long Yam) “This design is about collecting karrbarda (yams). The old people use these kungarrndutj (digging sticks) to dig the yams from under the ground. They carry the kunmatj (dilly bags) on their heads for collecting bush food. These yams are purple on the saltwater side of country and Read more…


Karrbarda (Long Yam) “This design is about collecting karrbarda (yams). The old people use these kungarrndutj (digging sticks) to dig the yams from under the ground. They carry the kunmatj (dilly bags) on their heads for collecting bush food. These yams are purple on the saltwater side of country and Read more…


Karrbarda (Long Yam) “This design is about collecting karrbarda (yams). The old people use these kungarrndutj (digging sticks) to dig the yams from under the ground. They carry the kunmatj (dilly bags) on their heads for collecting bush food. These yams are purple on the saltwater side of country and Read more…


Wayuk ‘I always follow the footpath of my grandmother. I have too many stories of my grandmother. We went to the bush and ate bushtucker like yam, yabbie, barra, catfish and magpie goose. We didn’t come into town often, we were staying at Barrihdjowkkeng outstation. I learned how the old Read more…

© the artist / art centre