Gurrpurdu (Diving Bird) A design by emerging textile designer, Charmaine Pascoe. ‘My Gurrpurdu (diving bird) was white. She flew from Gan Gan to Gapuwiyak and then to Yathalamarra. And then she flew to Gartji. At Gartji two fresh water seaweed shoots, one long and one short were trying to keep Read more…


Djomi Egg This design depicts the story of Blulandjan Joy’s ancestral dreaming, the Djomi freshwater spirit mermaid. In this design, the Djomi egg is also depicted in the centre.  ‘The Djomi figure is a mermaid like spirit with fish tail that lives in the freshwater stream that flows out to Read more…


Barddedde (Bangle Vine) Barddedde (bangle vine) is a climbing vine with cane-like stems. It is used to make armbands and was traditionally used to sew together the ends of bark canoes. This one colour screen print was designed in 2006 and has been revived in 2025.  A striking orange silk with Read more…


Barddedde (Bangle Vine) Barddedde (bangle vine) is a climbing vine with cane-like stems. It is used to make armbands and was traditionally used to sew together the ends of bark canoes. This one colour screen print was designed in 2006 and has been revived in 2025.  A striking orange silk with Read more…

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