Man-ngarre (Native Grasses) Designed 2007 Elizabeth had a distinctive artistic style, depicting the natural world with loose, organic strokes. Her style was evident in her key designs Kun-ngol (clouds), showing the cloud formations over her floodplain country after the wet season, and the fine detail of Kun-kirh (mud ripples) depicting Read more…


Bah-je (hunting bag) 2007 Linda Gurawana is a Djinang speaker with a long history of working at Babbarra Women’s Centre. In Linda’s language, bah-je describes a woven hunting bag or dilly bag. This three-colour design was created in 2007 and continues to be printed by the centre staff and artists in Read more…


Bah-je (hunting bag) 2007 Linda Gurawana is a Djinang speaker with a long history of working at Babbarra Women’s Centre. In Linda’s language, bah-je describes a woven hunting bag or dilly bag. This three-colour design was created in 2007 and continues to be printed by the centre staff in Maningrida.  The Read more…


Djomi Egg This design depicts the story of Blulandjan Joy’s ancestral dreaming, the Djomi freshwater spirit mermaid. In this design, the Djomi egg is also depicted in the centre.  ‘The Djomi figure is a mermaid like spirit with fish tail that lives in the freshwater stream that flows out to Read more…


Djomi Egg This design depicts the story of Blulandjan Joy’s ancestral dreaming, the Djomi freshwater spirit mermaid. In this design, the Djomi egg is also depicted in the centre.  ‘The Djomi figure is a mermaid like spirit with fish tail that lives in the freshwater stream that flows out to Read more…

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