Dance Belt Dance belts are an important cultural component of ceremony. This belt has been made from a mix of bush string, double twisted to form the belt component, along with cotton string for the dangling components. White cockatoo feathers are used at the end of the dangle. Bush String is incredibly Read more…


Mako (Key F, Toot A#) Key: FToot: A# Didjeridus from this region are made in the West Arnhem style. Called Mago, they’re different and special and follow the tradition made famous by Beswick’s Mago Master, elder David Blanasi. Ghunmarn didjeridus are sourced on country, and hand cut from Woolybutt trees. Artists Read more…


Mako (Key F, Toot A#) Key: FToot: A# Didjeridus from this region are made in the West Arnhem style. Called Mago, they’re different and special and follow the tradition made famous by Beswick’s Mago Master, elder David Blanasi. Ghunmarn didjeridus are sourced on country, and hand cut from Woolybutt trees. Artists travel considerable Read more…


Mako (Key E, Toot A) Key: EToot: A Didjeridus from this region are made in the West Arnhem style. Called Mago, they’re different and special and follow the tradition made famous by Beswick’s Mago Master, elder David Blanasi. Ghunmarn didjeridus are sourced on country, and hand cut from Woolybutt trees. Artists Read more…


Woven Fish This finely crafted hand woven fish represents species found both in blue water and local billabongs surrounding Beswick / Wugularr. Djilpin’s super talented pandanus artists have been busy pushing their skills and techniques. This fun little fish is a prime example of this and a step away from traditional baskets, mats Read more…


Goanna This finely crafted piece by James Malibirr depicts a goanna mid-stride. Goanna is considered to be prized bush tucker, but is less commonly found in modern times. The carving is finished with traditional rarrk (fine cross-hatching style painting).


Woven Basket Fibre Art is an ancient Aboriginal women’s craft that is still made today using the same techniques as their ancestors. Making fibre art is labour intensive and much care and fine needlework is required to ensure the finished object is both functional and beautiful. Fibre art from the Read more…


Fishing Spear This spear is representative of Aboriginal skill and ability to create something functional out of found or reclaimed materials. From nothing, a functional spear can be made, and food can be placed on the table to feed family. Consisting of a spear shaft and spines to spear a fish Read more…

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