Putipulawa Putitja – Wildflowers This design is based on the many native flowers that grow locally in Pukatja and through the Musgrave Ranges. When we go out to the bush, we see all the different colours from many plants growing.  Flowers are important to the women and the health of Read more…


Putipulawa Putitja – Wildflowers This design is based on the many native flowers that grow locally in Pukatja and through the Musgrave Ranges. When we go out to the bush, we see all the different colours from many plants growing.  Flowers are important to the women and the health of Read more…


Nyalpi Punu Ilykuwara (Leaf of Witchetty Tree) Favourite bush foods of Anangu Pitjantjatjara include maku (witchetty grub). Until recently, bush foods were the primary sustenance for Anangu Pitjantjatjara. Many bush foods are still gathered regularly almost exclusively by women, thus they feature strongly in women’s mark making. Women learn the Read more…


Ngayuku Ngura – My Country Website Artists use this title when they are depicting their Country. It might be a representation of a particular place or of different aspects of that area. The artist uses a combination of colour and design to indicate variations in the landscape. Inspiration is drawn Read more…


Jeffrey’s Birds Jeffrey paints his favourite birds that live in the country around Ernabella. These include the kuparu (magpie), partilpa (Port Lincoln ringed neck parrot), kayarkiyarpa (galah), tjintir-tjintirpa (willy wag-tail), piil-piilpa (yellow throated minor) and kuurkuurpa (owls). .


Ngayuku Ngura – My Country Artists use this title when they are depicting their Country. It might be a representation of a particular place or of different aspects of that area. The artist uses a combination of colour and design to indicate variations in the landscape. Inspiration is drawn from Read more…

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