Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Yesterday/Today – (Bigauga/Gananggurr) My representation of the comparisons of how yesterday and today is for me0n my life’s journey.
Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Waterhole – (Gulpaga) A waterhole where we went swimming not far from Moama many years ago.
Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Clapsticks Long neck turtle is the Yorta Yorta peoples totem. Here we have the turtles swimming in waterholes and rivers.
Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Mount Selwyn Mount Selwyn through the eyes of little me. How magical it is to see snow for the first time. Driving around the mountains in awe at every fresh white bob on the side of the road. I have fond memories of pulling over on the side of the Read more…
Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Bangalngarrangaarra Every place, all over, the whole earth. I am a part of everything that ever was and will be.