Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Family Groups of Yorta Yorta Eight colours were used in this artwork to symbolise the eight family groups that the long neck turtle represents as their totem of the Yorta Yorta tribe.
Family Groups of Yorta Yorta Eight colours were used in this artwork to symbolise the eight family groups that the long neck turtle represents as their totem of the Yorta Yorta tribe.
3 Rivers 3 Rivers represents my siblings. In our family we have 9. 3 was born on the Murray, 3 was born on the Loddon and 3 was born on the Goulburn river.
Ascending This painting represents what Indigenous people go through with three deaths occurring around the same time. It shows the three spirits travelling up and continuing the journey into the Dreamtime.
A Part of Life This painting shows that death is a normal part of life and that it doesn’t just affect the one person, but everyone around them.
I am the Land, the Land is Me For those who were born and raised on country, the connection is unbreakable. It forms our identity and who we are.