Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Clapsticks Long neck turtle is a totem of the Yorta Yorta people Murry Goulburn rivers
Clapsticks Long neck turtle is a totem of the Yorta Yorta people Murry Goulburn rivers
Jabalyi Gurdawang Moon spirit: How the half moon was created. Jabalyi broke the lore and too off. When he was captured, the old man turned him into the moon and he was now known as the gurndawang.
Wattle Flowers Represents right before grub season when the yellow flower blooms.
Moonlight Moonlight on the river. Represents the glow of the river water on the night of a full moon.
Weaved Coolamon I was inspired to create the weaved coolamon as I felt this is possibly a lost part of aboriginal culture. I have explored museums and art galleries for large sized coolamon and felt surely our ancestors used the coolamon as a way to carry and care for our Read more…