Kaiela Arts Shepparton
Gum Leaf The artwork depicts collecting gum leaves on Yorta Yorta country to be used in my creative artworks. Australian gum leaves can be found in numerous sizes and colours across the four seasons.
Gum Leaf The artwork depicts collecting gum leaves on Yorta Yorta country to be used in my creative artworks. Australian gum leaves can be found in numerous sizes and colours across the four seasons.
dhandyuri freshwater mussel shells, left by the river after a feed. Freshwater mussels were an important source of food for our people. Middens containing large numbers of mussel shells are widespread alongside rivers and lakes.
Muyulung Muyulung. Elder, teacher, lawgiver, healer, model, and mentor. Precious and strong miyagan. The foundations of Country and culture, building up the next generation and passing on wisdom and knowledge. Muyulung help keep culture alive and strong. Listen. Look. Learn.
Cockatoo In The Wind Cocky watching the crayfish below making whirlpools in the water and tries his hand at it in the sky.
Ulysses Butterfly This artwork is the ulysses butterfly which inhabits the Daintree Rainforest located in Far North Queensland.
Ocean Waves The artwork represents my family sitting and camping on the beach watching the waves rolling into shore.
Ocean Swirls The artwork depicts water swirls within the ocean as we look down into the water.
Gum Leaf The artwork depicts collecting gum leaves on Yorta Yorta country to be used in my creative artworks. Australian gum leaves can be found in numerous sizes and colours across the four seasons.