Gapu Gapu is the Malulilgal dialect name for the sucker fish and it’s usually used for dugong and turtle hunting. Most Gapu’s is usually be kept in a Baila shell we that we call “Alup”, also can be seen most of the time be stuck to any shark to take Read more…


Our Food Source In the print it demonstrates some of many shells, the Trochus shell, Mud shells, Claim shells and the Trumpet Shells. We eat as part of our daily food source when we go out hunting and gather during low tides from our home reefs nearby. 


Gub Thuraik Gub Thuraik is when sorcerory is used upon the wind by performing certain magical ceremonies. The knowledge and practice was used as part of navigation and sailing during sea expeditions. 


Urlakal Urlakal is a Kala Lagaw Ya language for a dugong herd that are found in the shallow waters through Torres Strait Islands. Each herd is led by a dominate male and moves between different feeding grounds along the tidal currents of Guthal and Kulis.

© the artist / art centre