Karmui Karmui is a well known fish in the Torres Strait it can be cooked as fried, boiled or roasted. Artist: Samoa Tomsana Printer: Fiona Mosby Printed: Kubin, Moa Arts Studio, Feb 2024.


Sigai 4 OF 8 Sigai is a flying fish that lives on sign east side of Mao island it is a totem of my father and is now my family totem. Sigai is a significant fish to our family it represents our identification to who we are and our tribe Read more…


Vibrant love Celebrating a special occasion, expressing your gratitude, or simply wanting to show someone you care, the vibrant love basket is the perfect choice. It is a gift that speaks volumes without saying a word, leaving a lasting impression of love and joy on the recipients heart.  Art Centre Read more…


New Growth This basket signifies new growth once a forgotten relic of the past, had now become a living breathing testament to the power of new beginnings. It stood as symbol of resilience and renewal, a reminder that even in the darkest of places, life could find a way to thrive Read more…


Down at the beach I love going down to the beach it’s a magical place where the sky meets the sea, and the sand stretches out in all directions as far as the eye can see. It’s a place where worries melt away with the crashing waves and salty breeze, where Read more…


Stormy Afternoon This basket is about when going down to the jetty for fishing on a stormy afternoon, the sky painted in shades of ominous ray, as raindrops tap against the window panes like a soft melody.  Art Centre notes:  The basket is made of natural raffia / shells.  The dyes Read more…


Night watch This basket describes the beauty of when the  sun dips below the horizon and the sky transforms into a canvas of twinkling stars, a new world awakens.  Art Centre notes:  The basket is made of natural raffia / shells.  The dyes are commercial and colour fast. it uses a Read more…

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