Theradhayau Sabi (Traditional adoption lore) Ceremonies and rituals play a central role in Torres Strait kinship.  They mark important life events, such as birth, initiation, and death, and strengthen community bonds. The Torres Strait kinship system assigns roles and responsibilities within the community.  This includes obligations related to marriage, child-rearing, Read more…


Theradhayau Sabi (traditional adoption lore) Story: Ceremonies and rituals play a central role in Torres Strait kinship.  They mark important life events, such as birth, initiation, and death, and strengthen community bonds. The Torres Strait kinship system assigns roles and responsibilities within the community.  This includes obligations related to marriage, Read more…


Theradhayau Sabi (Traditional adoption lore)  Ceremonies and rituals play a central role in Torres Strait kinship.  They mark important life events, such as birth, initiation, and death, and strengthen community bonds. The Torres Strait kinship system assigns roles and responsibilities within the community.  This includes obligations related to marriage, child-rearing, Read more…


Theradhayaw Sabi (Traditional Adoptional Lore) They mark important life events, such as birth, initiation, and death, and strengthen community bonds. The Torres Strait kinship system assigns roles and responsibilities within the community.  This includes obligations related to marriage, child-rearing, and land management.   Traditional adoption in the Torres Strait involves Read more…


Theradhayaw Sabi (Traditional Adoptional Lore) They mark important life events, such as birth, initiation, and death, and strengthen community bonds. The Torres Strait kinship system assigns roles and responsibilities within the community.  This includes obligations related to marriage, child-rearing, and land management.   Traditional adoption in the Torres Strait involves Read more…


Theradhayau Sabi (traditional adoption lore) Ceremonies and rituals play a central role in Torres Strait kinship.  They mark important life events, such as birth, initiation, and death, and strengthen community bonds. The Torres Strait kinship system assigns roles and responsibilities within the community.  This includes obligations related to marriage, child-rearing, Read more…


Guy coconut basket Guy coconut is a coconut that stains your hands from the skin to the juices until you get to the hard shell. Guy coconut also holds plenty of good drinking water which is good to drink on hot days. Art Centre notes: The basket is made of natural Read more…


Hillside Basket This basket is called hillside basket because of the lovely dark green colours and other dark shades of green/black and blue mixed well, it kinda looks like a land scape of hill side on the afternoon time. Art Centre notes: The basket is made of natural raffia / cotton. Read more…

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