Back Tracks 3 OF 6 in this print its about walking through the back tracks in the village with all the little short cuts to get to places and all you could see if are all the thongs marks if someone was recently walking through the back tracks aswell. Backtracks Read more…


Back Tracks 2 OF 6 in this print its about walking through the back tracks in the village with all the little short cuts to get to places and all you could see if are all the thongs marks if someone was recently walking through the back tracks aswell. Backtracks Read more…


Back Track 1 OF 6 in this print its about walking through the back tracks in the village with all the little short cuts to get to places and all you could see if are all the thongs marks if someone was recently walking through the back tracks aswell. Backtracks Read more…


Art centre notes: this jewellery is made from natural raffia. The dyes used on the raffia is commercial and colour fast. this earring set also has matchbox seeds in the centre of the the earring.


Art centre notes: this jewellery is made from natural raffia. The dyes used on the raffia is commercial and colour fast. this earring set also has matchbox seeds in the centre of the the earring.

© the artist / art centre