Yirrajarra “Yirrajarra, good name. [In the] winter time, cold time, you gotta have a look. One side two claypan , another side soak water. Jamu mili (my grandfather’s) Country. I been walking there with my mummy, daddy, [and my sisters] Mayiwalku [May Chapman], Mulyatingki [Marney]. All walking around pujiman (traditional, Read more…


Wirlarra (Wilarra) – Mulyatingki Marney, Nyanjilpayi (Ngarnjapayi) Nancy Chapman, Mayiwalku May Chapman “The moon and the lake. The moon is taking care of the dingo pups, it’s looking after them. This here is the salt lake [and the] dingo pups laying down, they’re laying there with their mum. [The] father Read more…


Nyinyiri Nyinyiri is a small soak yulparirra (south) of Juntu-juntu (Canning Stock Route Well 30). This area is Mulyatingki’s birthplace; her ngurra (home Country, camp), and forms part of the area which she knew intimately and travelled extensively with her family in her youth.  During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) Read more…


Jartuti “Jartuti water place east of Parnngurr. In pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) days old people walked and hunted there, we went there recently with KJ (Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa) ranger mob, lovely place.”   – Beverley Rogers Jartuti is a water source located close to Parnngurr Aboriginal Community (otherwise known as Cotton Creek), and Read more…


Jina (tracks, footprints) Depicted in this work are jina (tracks, footprints), used by Martu people when tracking bush tucker. Distinctive are the jina of the marlu (kangaroo), parnajarrpa (sand goanna), kipara (bustard), karlaya (emu), jila (snake) and man, though tracks of much smaller animals and even insects are also well known Read more…


Jina (tracks, footprints) Depicted in this work are jina (tracks, footprints), used by Martu people when tracking bush tucker. Distinctive are the jina of the marlu (kangaroo), parnajarrpa (sand goanna), kipara (bustard), karlaya (emu), jila (snake) and man, though tracks of much smaller animals and even insects are also well known Read more…

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