Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) “Bugai always tells about Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25) because she grew up around Wantili. Her family would travel between Wantili, Kaalpa, Juntu-juntu, Raarki, and Wuranu Wells along the Canning Stock Route. She paints around Wantili. She saw whitefellas there for Read more…


Kiriwirri “We went to 3 places with KJ Parnngurr and Punmu ranger mob.  We had USB in the cars with stories on them talking about country, listening.  My Dad’s Uncle telling those stories when he was a little boy.  Telling Pujiman   (traditional, desert dwelling) stories.  Kiriwirri [points to centre of Read more…


Wilarra “Two Rockholes other side Punmu- Kayili (North) all the way keep going Kakarra (East), long way. Dingomili ngurra (Dingo’s home). Big one is Willarra. Dingos all stay in that place together, wild one [dingo] became a quiet one. All the dingos come from that place. Make a kuna (faeces), go home. Kirl Kirl (Well 36), Read more…


Wilarra “Two Rockholes other side Punmu- Kayili (North) all the way keep going Kakarra (East), long way. Dingomili ngurra (Dingo’s home). Big one is Willarra. Dingos all stay in that place together, wild one [dingo] became a quiet one. All the dingos come from that place. Make a kuna (faeces), go home. Kirl Kirl (Well 36), Read more…


Kiriwirri “We went to 3 places with KJ Parnngurr and Punmu ranger mob.  We had USB in the cars with stories on them talking about country, listening.  My Dad’s Uncle telling those stories when he was a little boy.  Telling Pujiman   (traditional, desert dwelling) stories.  Kiriwirri [points to centre of Read more…


Jila (snake, living water) “Snake lives there in the salt and comes from Mandora – inside the salt, and travels underground. Hide him out and goes underneath in the direction of the spring country from Mandora and Bidgydanga, in the direction of the coast. He is underground, same like jila[snake]. You Read more…

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