Untitled “I was learning about painting from school and from watching Bamba’s [Corban Clause Williams] mob painting. Bamba is my little brother. I like a painting about Country, painting my grandfather’s Country- Kaalpa (Kalypa, Canning Stock Route Well 23).  I also like to go hunting with my family.” – Robina Clause Robina is part Read more…


Palatji (Palarji, Weld Springs, Canning Stock Route Well 9) Palatji (Palarji, Weld Springs, Canning Stock Route Well 9) is part of Miriam’s family’s ngurra (home Country, camp), located at the southern end of Martu Country and within the Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area. Miriam’s Grandfather and Grandmother would camp for lengthy Read more…


Warlawurru (Punmu Hill) Warlawurru is a hill located just outside of Punmu Aboriginal community, and at the northern end of the Karlamilyi (Rudall River) region. The name for the hill derives from the Manyjilyjarra word for eagle hawk, the ancestral being associated with this site. Warlawurru is also believed to Read more…


Wantili (Warntili, Canning Stock Route Well 25)  “Wantili is my place, where I was born. It’s a place where everyone was living- its all of their ngurra (home).It’s the Jukurrpa (Dreaming) of that place. All those claypans, a place where everyone comes together for ceremony and gatherings, all meeting with different families. I went Read more…


Untitled This is Wurta Amy French’s Country- her ‘ngurra’ (home Country, camp). People identify with their ngurra in terms of specific rights and responsibilities, and the possession of intimate knowledge of the physical and cultural properties of one’s Country. Painting ngurra, and in so doing sharing the Jukurrpa (Dreaming) stories Read more…

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