Nyurnma (Freshly Burnt Country) near Punmu (2018) “Nyurnma (freshly burnt Country), burnt area north from Punmu [in]sandhill Country. One big one, no yukuri (green grass, vegetation) left. Last year [2018], no rain yet. Big area. From lighting did it, it started that waru (fire). It kept burning from the westerly wind turning it kakarra (east) [moves hands Read more…


Punmu Punmu refers to a region and an Aboriginal community within its vicinity, located 670km North-East of Newman. Created during the return to Country movement of the 1980s, with the recognition of Martu land rights and native title, the community was named after a nearby Jukurrpa (Dreaming) story. Punmu Aboriginal Read more…


Punmu Punmu is an Aboriginal community located 670km North-East of Newman, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Created during the return to Country movement of the 1980s, with the recognition of Martu land rights and native title, the community was named after a nearby jukurrpa (dreamtime) story. Punmu community Read more…


Untitled Most often explored in Doreen’s works are the motifs of her everyday modern Aboriginal community life; the animals hunted and plants gathered for bush tucker, the cars and aeroplanes used to travel to the cities and remote communities she regularly moves between, and depictions of the Country itself.  Collectively Read more…


Jila (snake, living water) The Western Desert term jila is used interchangeably to describe springs considered to be ‘living’ waters and snakes, both of which play a central role in Martu culture and Jukurrpa (Dreaming). During the pujiman (traditional, desert dwelling) period, knowledge of water sources was critical for survival, Read more…

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