Kilkayi Barramundi Dreaming Three women trying to trap Dayiwul the great barramundi with spinifex nets. This is a traditional method of fishing where by nyiyirriny (river spinifex) is rolled and placed in the water forming a kind of net. Dayiwul was too clever for the women and jumped over the barrier they Read more…


Warlawoon – Kathy Ramsay “This painting is about the Warlawoon Country my dad Rammey Ramsay country my beautiful old artist dad who left his memory with me to carry on after him. Trees, camping areas, water holes, hills, and traditional stories of his mum and dad and their parents and Read more…


Frog Hollow Beryline has painted one of many favourite swimming waterholes that is located in Frog Hollow – seen within the middle of the painting are the colours blue and green, these colours represent the “living water” whereas the yellow is a depiction of the sand that surrounds the pool. Read more…


Rockhole la Birnoowoon Country – Gordan Barney This Rock hole is la Birnoowoon Country, we use this rock hole for fishing we catchem moot moot there thats the pearch small but very good eating we picnic here with the whole family and even bogey (Bath) in this rock hole it Read more…


Warlawoon – Kathy Ramsay “This painting is about the Warlawoon Country my dad Rammey Ramsay country my beautiful old artist dad who left his memory with me to carry on after him. Trees, camping areas, water holes, hills, and traditional stories of his mum and dad and their parents and Read more…

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