Goorlabal Ngarranggarni This work is inspired by a Ngarranggarni (Dreaming) story about Goorlabal the Serpent. In the Ngarranggarni, Goorlabal travelled from One Mile in search of water. He found water in the Springvale River. He rolled on his back in the water because he was over-heated. He turned into stone Read more…


Wirrawirrdul – Eileen Bray Joomena ileen has painted the Wirrawirrdul, Wirrawirrdul is the Kija name known for mermaid, she was told a story by an elder women of the community and was also known to be Patrick Mung’s sister – her name was Buttercup Mung. Buttercup told Eileen that she once heard noises Read more…


Birnoo Country- Lorraine Daylight This is a painting of Birnoo Country – Birnoo is on what is now known as Alice Downs Station and belonged to Lorraine’s paternal grandmother. Lorraine was taught to paint this Country by her father, Warmun artist Gordon Barney. Gordon was a skilled stockman, horsebreaker and Read more…


Winupar Springs & Rosie’s Yard by EVELYN MALGIL ‘This is my family place. Hot water spring and cold water spring. That big hill on the background is my family place. That water live all year ’round. That little sand frog, it live for a long time.’ This place is the Read more…


MERNDABANY (PAPERBARK SPRING), PURNULULU-Eileen Bray; Merndabany paperbark spring, This is where my Mother was born at a place called Merndabany(Paperbark Spring) near Purnululu.


Karrgin Ngarrangki ‘This is the country of Texas my grandfather place, Hector Jandany walked that country when he was a young man with his mother & father. They walked with him throughout that country in and around Texas. Betty Carrington told me that story because Hector Jandany told her that Read more…


Juwari- The Devil Spirit – by Peter Thomas The Juwari is the Devil Spirit. He is the power, force and spirit of creation iitself, and everything within it and within us  He is the creation of country and the land, of the weather & seasons, of all the elements. He Read more…


Garn’giny Ngarranggarni – Mabel Juli Well this the dreamtime story about Wardal and Garn’giny (star and moon). That’s what my mother and dad told me about that Dreamtime thing. “Garn’giny ngelmang roord-ngarri nginji. The moon sits in the east. Wardal dal gerloorr ngarrgalen. The star sits on top of the Read more…

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