Seagulls and Cormorant Birds Seagulls and Cormorants are one of the common ocean birds. During the day they fly together in flocks swooping down in the sea to catch fish with their sharp beaks. Night fall they sleep together in flocks to keep watch if any predator comes in they Read more…


Pilbara Flood Plains During cyclone season, the Pilbara earth is flooded with rain. You can see the watercourse weaving through the rocky country. My country then springs to life with green grasses and flowers that carpet the land. It’s lovely to see so much life after a big rain.


Our Country (The Pilbara) The Pilbara is the country where we the Yindjibarndi people live and share many of our Cultural stories and history that have been passed onto us by our ancestors, of how they used to walk through the flat country we call the (Table Lands) visiting family Read more…


Our Country (The Pilbara) Pilbara is the country where we the Yindjibarndi people live and share many of our Cultural stories and history that have been passed onto us by our ancestors, of how they used to walk through the flat country we call the (Table Lands) visiting family members Read more…


Early Morning Mist The early morning mist over the water is the smoke from the breakfast fires of the Marrga, the creation spirits. According to Yindjibarndi law, in the beginning the sky was very low. When the creation spirits, Marrga, arose from the ground they raised the sky and the Read more…

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