Yinjaa-Barni Art
Mulla Mulla Reclaiming Mining Land These patterns represent the land dug out be mining. They cut into the landscape. These are the Mulla Mulla that grow over the top.
Mulla Mulla Reclaiming Mining Land These patterns represent the land dug out be mining. They cut into the landscape. These are the Mulla Mulla that grow over the top.
Our Country (The Pilbara) Pilbara is the country where we the Yindjibarndi people live and share many of our cultural stories and history that have been passed onto us by our ancestors, of how they used to walk through the flat country we call the (Table Lands) visiting family members Read more…
Running Rivers After a big rain the are all running we all go out bush to spend the day and enjoy the running rivers.
Sea Turtle When we see sea turtles it can mean that they can be mating and that makes us aware that they will soon be going to lay eggs. Some of our people eat the eggs and turtles.
Sturt Pea The Sturt Pea has a vibrant red flower.It has a succulent sweet juice that can be eaten.
Early Morning Mist The early morning mist over the water is the smoke from the breakfast fires of the Marrga, the creation spirits. According to Yindjibarndi law, in the beginning the sky was very low. When the creation spirits, Marrga, arose from the ground they raised the sky and the Read more…
Blue Gum Tree (Ganyji ) Blue Gum Tree (Ganyji) The Blue Gum Tree, gets its name because of its bluish leaves. In Yindjibarndi language it is called Ganyji, in English, Kanji Bush (Acacia pyrifolia).This painting depicts elements of the bush – its blue leaves and yellow flowers against the red Read more…
Bluebells The Country Bluebell is one of the common flowers growing on the edges of the river bank and around the edge of hillsides. It also grows in open plains country.
Mulla Mulla This is the Fortescue Mulla Mulla or ‘Gumbarli’ in Yindjibarndi language. The flower is a purplish colour. It’s not a bush medicine, just a flower that grows in the country, in lines along the roads and everywhere. In this painting, the seeds of the Mulla Mulla are all Read more…