The Two Lore Breakers In Yindjibarndi Country there were two men that have been initiated through the Lore. They walked around the Country til they found a pretty bird – the 28 parrot – killed and ate it because it was a secret bird. Then a big wind came. It Read more…


Burst of Spring (Melissa) Springtime is a beautiful blending of colours in our Country. After the rain all the wild flowers come up in a pattern like a puzzle. The artist, Melissa, often sponges her background using colours which include Red, Pink, Yellows and Orange. She painted over this background Read more…


Family of Sea Turtles When we see sea turtles it can mean that they can be mating and that makes us aware that they will soon be going to lay eggs. Some of our people eat the eggs and turtles.


Honey Ants (minga) Honey ants are shown here collecting food before winter. Bunjima people call the food ‘mulma nujnu’. This name comes from the leaves, and another name is ‘ngardanu’, which comes from the branches.


Pilbara flowers I paint my country in my own style. We have so many beautiful flowers that are watered by the rains. The Pilbara is a place of many beautiful colours.


Pilbara flowers I paint my country in my own style. We have so many beautiful flowers that are watered by the rains. The Pilbara is a place of many beautiful colours.


Pilbara flowers I paint my country in my own style. We have so many beautiful flowers that are watered by the rains. The Pilbara is a place of many beautiful colours.

© the artist / art centre