Bamboo Shoot ‘I see bamboo everywhere where i go in Maningrida. I see it at every house – it’s a common house plant. When i see bamboo i get excited because i feel at home. Bamboo makes me feel good.’ Belinda Kernan


Palm tree on my country – Belinda Kernan This fabric was created using the linocut printing technique. The lino tile has been carved by the artist in Maningrida, and has been printed by hand using a variety of colours and layers. The linocut technique ensures each textile piece is a Read more…


Yam Leaf This fabric was created using the linocut printing technique. The lino tile was carved by the artist in Maningrida and printed by hand using a variety of colours and layers. The linocut technique ensures each textile piece is a one-off, limited edition piece.


Kundayarr (lino tile) The first tile has different types of kunmadj (dillybag) and marebu (floormat) made with Kundayarr (Pandanus). ‘There are two djerr (dilly bags), one basket, two marebu (floormats) and one kunmadj in this tile. This is how we carry and collect our bush tucker. This basket in the Read more…


Status: Stock Manwak by Deborah Wurrkidj – sold per metre Manwak grows near Mumeka creek, on the artist’s homeland. This beautiful large flower blooms during the mandjelk (wet season). It has deep green petals with a central red kernel which swells to the size of a berry. It is known Read more…


Ngalyod and Buluwana A collaboration between mother and daughter.  Bush Dye by Deborah Wurrkidj  Ngalyod (Rainbow serpent) Rainbow spirit coming from billabong. Rainbow serpent dreaming.  Coming from billabong, that place we call billabong where that ngalyod (rainbow serpent) lives. All that wayuk (waterlily), all them kundalk (grass) and pandanus, making Read more…


Ngalyod and Buluwana A collaboration between mother and daughter.  Bush Dye by Deborah Wurrkidj  Ngalyod (Rainbow serpent) Rainbow spirit coming from billabong. Rainbow serpent dreaming.  Coming from billabong, that place we call billabong where that ngalyod (rainbow serpent) lives. All that wayuk (waterlily), all them kundalk (grass) and pandanus, making Read more…


Kunwardde dja Kunronj (Rocks and Billabong) Abigail has depicted the waterholes or Kunwardde dja Kunronj (Sacred Rocks and Billabong) that lie on the plains near Mankorlod, the country for which she is a traditional owner. The waterholes remain wet throughout the year, even during dry season. This site is connected to the artist’s djang (dreaming), Read more…


Kunwardde dja Kunronj (Rocks and Billabong) Abigail has depicted the waterholes or Kunwardde dja Kunronj (Sacred Rocks and Billabong) that lie on the plains near Mankorlod, the country for which she is a traditional owner. The waterholes remain wet throughout the year, even during dry season. This site is connected to the artist’s djang (dreaming), Read more…

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